Erasmus in Schools (EiS) is a project led by ESN sections all over Europe as part of Social Erasmus.  It gives exchange students a chance to visit local schools (from kindergartens to high schools) in order to share not only their experiences of mobility and living in a new environment, but also the culture and traditions of their home countries. While listening to such stories, kids learn a lot of new facts about different nations and cultures. More importantly, meeting real people from other countries helps them to see the beauty of our differences and push the boundaries of stereotypes.

„Enriching the local community through the international students’’.

About the Erasmus in Schools course

The course „ERASMUS in Schools“ is intended for international incoming ERASMUS students of Charles University. In co-operation with the ESN and Czech schools, students implement three lessons at primary, lower or upper secondary schools. The aim is that, in accordance with the requirements and needs of the school, international students can actively participate in the teaching of various school subjects (e.g., history, music education, art education, foreign languages) to provide Czech pupils with interesting information about the country where they were born, respectively where they live or study.

Who can attend?

Any international student of Charles University enroled for studies during the given semester. It is not required to study specifically children’s education or to have a degree in such a field.

What’s in it for you?

  • A unique opportunity to visit Czech schools
  • Direct interaction with pupils, teachers and staff
  • Presentation of your country’s culture, habits, food or dance
  • Impact on future generation’s education towards tolerance and cultural awareness
  • New experience in your CV
  • Possibility to share your Erasmus experience
  • 4 ECTS for completing the Erasmus in Schools course
    • It is also possible to participate without signing up for the course, the organization is the same except for the formal aspects of the requirements below

Erasmus in Schools is highly valued by the European Union and the National Agencies for building an open-minded and cosmopolitan generation of pupils, able to understand, communicate and cooperate with people from all over the world.

Requirements to pass the course

The course is held in the form of self-organization by students, which means that students are given initial information during the first weeks of the semester and they are responsible for organizing school visits with the selected local schools by themselves according to the requirements.

To obtain the credit for the course, following requirements have to be met:

  1. Enrol to the Erasmus in Schools course in the university's Student Information System
    1. Course code: OEOZV2301
    2. The course is administatively under the Faculty of Education, but students from other faculties can enrol as well. In case of any issues, try to contact your faculty's international relations office
    3. Students who complete the course will get 4 ECTS
  2. Attend the first introduction meeting of the course held on October 14, 2024 at 4PM in room R010B at the Faculty of Education (Magdalény Rettigové 4, Prague - New Town). Attendance is compulsory.
  3. Fill out the Erasmus in Schools questionnaire before October 20, 2024 (by the end of the day).
  4. By October 27, 2024, you will receive a contact list to local schools with which you shall organize visits.
    1. Overall, you shall spend 12 teaching lessons (12x 45 minutes) in these schools
    2. For each school, you will receive the school address, a contact person, the language of contact (usually English, but for French lessons it can be French etc.), and the amount of lessons to spend at the given school.
    3. For example, you may be given 3 contacts, where you would be expected to spend 6 lessons at School 1, 4 lessons at School 2 and 5 lessons at School 3
  5. Then, you will have 11 weeks to:
    1. Contact teachers
    2. Have a preparatory visit/call where you will learn more about the school, what the teacher expects and you will align what they expect from your side (mostly what you should prepare and what they would like you to do during the visit). It is recommended to go to school in person, so that you can see the school environment, teaching style and approach. It is usually a very helpful experience for your preparation.
    3. Visit schools for the given amount of hours. It is up to you to coordinate with the teachers on the date of visits - do not leave this to the last minute!
    4. In case of any travel expenses (e.g. train ticket to a nearby town) can be refunded by ESN. If there is any refundable expense, contact
    5. At the end of every school visit, have the following form signed by the teacher which confirms that you were actually at the school. Please, print the form and have it signed during your visits. You can find it on this link.
    6. The last day of school visits shall, therefore, be January 10. Note that there are Christmas holidays in December, starting in the second half of the month until early January.
  6. After 11 weeks, you are expected to write a short report about your experience. It shall:
    1. Be of reasonable length (between 2 and 10 normalized pages)
    2. Explain where you went
    3. Describe what you did, how you prepared
    4. Sum up your experience - what you expected vs. how it actually was
    5. Include any additional information that may be needed.
    6. Submit by January 12, 2025, end of the day.
    7. Example reports can be found here and here
  7. Attend the final seminar in person and present your experience. The seminar will be held in the week from January 20, 2025. The exact day, time, and location will be disclosed in advance.
  8. When all the above requirements are fulfilled, you will receive a credit.

Timeline - winter semester 2024/2025

  • First half of October 2024 - Enrol to the course in SIS
  • October 14 at 4PM - Introductory meeting
    • Room R010B at the Faculty of Education (Magdalény Rettigové 4, Prague - New Town)
    • Make sure that you are enroled to the course in SIS before coming to the meeting
  • October 20 - submit the Erasmus in Schools form (by the end of the day)
  • October 27 - receive the list of schools to visit (by the end of the day)
  • October 28 - January 10 - preparatory calls with schools and school visits
  • January 12 - submit your Erasmus in Schools report
  • January 20 - Final meeting - exact time and room TBA

More information

For more information, please, contact ESN CU Prague at and the garant of the course, Mrs Miroslava Černochová at Please, always include both email addresses in your emails.