Emill Filla was a leading person of the interwar avant-garde. Around the year 1910, he was impressed by Picasso´s and Braque´s cubism and became to be protagonist of this art style in the Czechoslovakian Republic. At the beginning of the 30s more figurative elements occurred in his work, also with topics on fighting or tragic fates. Shape deformations and expressive elements can be found in these works too.


Price: 90 CZK

The exhibition in the Museum Kampa will present not only the works of this cubist, but also of the authors who created at that time, incl. František Janoušek, Rudolf Krajc, Vincenc Makovský, František Muzika, Jindřich Štyrský, Karel Teige, Toyen, František Vobecký, Alois Wachsman. These artists exhibited together at the exhibition called Poezie 1932, which was opened by the words of Vítezlav Nezval. His words were: New art orientation will tend toward surrealism.

On September 1st 1939 Filla was arrested and put in concentration camps Dachau and Buchenwald because of his evident antifascist thoughts. He was kept in the camps till the end of the World War II and died a few years afterwards.

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03/12/2017 - 14:00 to 04/12/2017 - 13:45
Museum Kampa
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