Ahoj! :)
If you like hiking in a beautiful landscape, visiting castles, discovering sites with their own interesting stories and see non-touristy places, this all-day trip is for you!

WHEN: 4th May (Wednesday) -> It is so called „rektorský den“, that means day off!! There should be no classes in the university!

PRICE: 240 CZK, the participants will pay the trip in the IC CUNI office, last day 28th April (Tuesday and Thursday 4-6 pm; Voršilská 1;http://www.ic-cuni.cz/office-hours-0)
The number of participants is limited up to 20, pay and ensure your spot!

We will walk around18 km, that´s reason why the trip is suitable for those who like hiking and have appropriate shoes for walking. On the other hand, there are no reason for worrying too much, the majority of participant normaly survive to the end :-) and the slow rest is easily eaten by tigers and bears. 
We will start in Nižbor, the place with relation to Celts, we will visit lookout tower Máminka, the mysterious Velíz hill and we will stop at Točník and Žebrák castle where the bears are awaiting you. There will be a few possibilities for having lunch in a pub, for that reason you should take your own food with you.
DETAILED INFORMATION will be send to the participants after 28th of April (THE DEADLINE FOR THE PAYMENT!)

There is no registration form, just come to our office at Voršilská 1 during office hours and pay for it, who will be first has a spot. :)

Czech Republic