This event is made for all the current Erasmus student in the Czech republic, who want to attend Czech national round of International Erasmus Games, which will take place in Prague 5th of March 2016.
We will play three different sports - futsal, basketball and voleyball. You have to find players for your team, sign up in the form which will appear here very soon and come fot the event. If your team will win against other teams from the Czech republic, you will have opportuntity to go to play against other teams from other countries in Milano from 5th-8th May!!! So do not wait, find players and sign up!!!
Rules: Each team has to have team made of players according to this rules: Futsal (1+4 vs. 1+4) – at least 1 playing girl per team; Volleyball (6 vs. 6) - at least 2 playing girls per team; Basketball (3 vs. 3) – without any conditions.
We will ask you to pay fee 100 CZK per person to cover the expenses for the gym.
More info on Facebook.
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