Every year people from all across the Czech Republic unite to collect food for people in need. This event is organised by Potraviny pomáhají (Food helps) and has been taking place since 2012. This year, you can help with us!
What is the aim?
This collection aims to raise food for people who struggle with hunger – the elderly, children's homes, single mothers and foster families. Nearly 1,5 million people in the Czech Republic are struggling to get their stomachs full. Also, this event wants to bring awareness to how much food we waste. Find out more about the national collection here.
What can I donate?
All kinds of food! Beverages with long durability are preferred. We recommend: all kinds of cans (ready-to-eat meals, beans etc.) rice, oil, pasta, instant soups, legumes, sirups, cereals, marmelades, teas, flour, cookies, ketchups... Anything, even a small donation, will be appreciated! :)
Where can I donate?
In our office (Hybernská 4)! Come during the office hours on Monday (6. 11., 4-6 PM) or Thursday (9.11., 3-5 PM) and give us your donation. We will collect it from all of you and donate it on Saturday, on the national collection day, all at once!
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