Welcome Week Winter Semester 2021/2022
Exchange in the Times of Corona: Interview 2, part 2
This week me and Mathilde are finishing up the whole interview series delving into topics such as having to leave your host country overnight and then getting stranded anyway, deliberating who Erasmus during these times is and isn’t for, but also realising just
Exchange in the Times of Corona: Interview 2, part 1
This and next week an interview with Mathilde, an English major from Denmark and my wonderful flatmate from Stirling, will bring us on another journey.
Exchange in the Times of Corona: Interview 1, part 2
Welcome to the second part of my 2x2 interview series. I am interviewing two friends I’ve met on exchange in 2020 and we’re all about the ins and outs, the juicy bits of studying abroad during covid times.
Exchange in the Times of Corona: Interview 1, part 1
In the following weeks our blog section will bring you a ‘2x2’ series of candid interviews regarding anything and everything connected to going on exchange during the times of Covid-19.
Prague (and the Czech Republic) in the Times of COVID-19: A Guide
We are well aware that exchange during the current times poses challenges many of us have never had to deal with, which is why we’re bringing you this guide.
Life in One Suitcase
How Little You Actually Need – Exchange Edition
Welcome Week
- Everyone is invited.
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